Summer Bathroom 2024 : Styling, Tips and Trends

Summer Bathroom 2024 : Styling, Tips and Trends - 1 - Showers Direct Ireland

Just as the sun starts to shine and the bbq is out in full force, we dust off the patio furniture you may be thinking it’s time for a house freshen up and what better way than to start with the bathroom.

Get your summer bathroom ready with these tips, after all the bathroom sees a lot of daily foot traffic especially in summer. Have the place prepped with enough space for storing those hay-fever tablets and bottles of factor 50+ or a place fit to unwind after a long day of outdoor activities and garden parties.

Tips to get your summer bathroom ready

#1 Give your bathroom a good spring clean

Before we can fully embrace summer, let’s first hop into action with a spring clean, we’re talking cupboard clear out, removing unwanted/expired products, dust those hard to reach places and vacuum. For a really deep clean, scrub your bath and shower around the grout and fixtures, wash or clean your blinds, lastly open windows and let lots of fresh air in. In winter, our bathrooms tend to be a destination for damp, mold and grime from damp air and no ventilation, which can cause significant damage. Getting a good clean, will reset your bathroom and leave it feeling fresh and revived.

#2 Add a pop of colour

Bright pops of colour in any shape or form is a must for your summer bathroom, take for example small details like a new shower curtain in a funky pattern or a cosy bath matt. Add colours like yellow or peach or go bigger with a statement wall colour. Pops of colour will leave you in the summer mood all day long.

#3 Fresh coat of paint

It’s much easier to paint in the summer when you can fully commit to having the windows and doors open. So now is the perfect time to give the walls that little bit of tlc with a lick of paint whether that is a fresh coat of white, an existing colour or something completely brand new. This will get rid of scuffs, marks and fading. Entering your bathroom will feel like a completely new space. Never underestimate the power of paint!

#4 Fresh flowers

While this is more luxurious side and a bit extra, having fresh flowers in your bathroom during the summer will most definitely bring a smile to your face. Waking up to the sun peeking through the window, the heat on the floor and bright aromatic flowers or plants will add life and an uplifting atmosphere. It can also be the one small change to incorporate from this list that is more budget-friendly and still makes an impact, if fresh flowers or plants is too much of a commitment, try some really good quality fake flowers it will still add colour and a focal point.

#5 Clean your fixtures and shower head

It wouldn’t be a summer refresh without squeaky clean fixtures. We’re talking your shower-head, taps and any other fixtures we tend to neglect. These are the most used items in your house. Submerge your fixtures in a solution of equals parts white vinegar and water, leave to soak for an hour or so before scrubbing with a cloth or toothbrush, you can also used baking soda to get out tough stains. Once complete re-install and they will be shining like a shilling. Luckily we have a fantastic range of Mira showers that are easy to clean with rub clean nozzles and Mira Clearscale technology so you can assure they will be clean and limescale-free all year round. Find some of our favourite easy clean showers below:

Trends to watch for:

Natural accents

When summer rolls around we can’t wait to get outside and into nature. Who says it stops there? Let the elements inside by adding natural accents like plants, wood, wicker baskets, fragrant lavender or sandalwood to your space for an inviting place to unwind.

Warm Metallics

To keep summer going all year long, add extra warmth to your bathroom with comforting golds, copper, brass hardware like the Mira Opero or Evoco range in brushed nickel. It keeps your space modern and clean but the warmer undertones bring an extra touch of indulgence.


A colourful statement to bring the sunshine indoors, stripes are the latest bathroom trend that’s packs a punch! Play around with textures and fabrics, small stripes and statement stripes, vertical or horizontal. If you want to slowly lean in try introducing stripes through smaller details like your curtains, lampshades, vases and decorative features or if you want to go big and brash use eye-catching striped tiles or wallpaper for an entirely transformative space. The plus side stripes go wonderfully with chrome, nickel and matt black fixtures like the Mira Relate in matt black.


The botanical trend re-emerges this year ready for another summer season and there is a reason it comes back every season. It’s playful and can bring a lot of colour while also creating a natural, earthy space. To achieve this, add lots of plants of different sizes and textures this will make your space refreshing and lifted. You can lean in to the cool-toned greens with one statement colour or add pattern with palm tree wallpaper, these go wonderfully with chrome, white or brushed nickel showers like the Mira Opero or Mira Mode. Why not go all in with multi-tonal greens and complimentary colours like pink, orange, browns and blues. The good thing is you will never be stuck for choice, botanical trends always come back with new and exciting ways to keep your space alive and full of joy.

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